Suppose Person A happens to be a 9th grade dropout, welfare-dependent, non-working, unwed mother of four children (one of whom has visiting hours between 2 and 5 on Sundays) living with her lesbian lover in a public housing community. It's probably not going to be in her best interest to campaign for any of Jesse Helms' protégés (but then again, she probably doesn't vote anyway…).
Envision, by contrast, Person B who lives in the suburbs, has an MBA, attends a Presbyterian church (where the organist doesn't know how to back up the pastor and the parking lot looks like a Volvo dealership), has a daughter named Hunter, a husband who puts in long hours with his patients, and is living comfortably on their combined income of 190K. There's a good chance that a few policies of the Republican Party might appeal to her.
Whether someone votes Republican because the party tends toward social conservatism (i.e. Rachelle and Dominique won't be lighting a unity candle in the Baptist church where Big Mama sung in the choir on 5th Sundays, thankyouverymuch) or whether they vote Republican because they're fiscally conservative (tired of making six figures and bringing home five figures – thanks to a progressive tax that funds an over-involved government that's doing work better-suited to the faith community) it's important that we welcome diversity within our ranks.
Even more importantly, those of us who support Republican candidates – exclusively or occasionally – should educate our brothers and sisters about Republicans whose political ideologies might align with their interests. Let's stop assuming that all Democrats are a lost cause. They just don't know no betta.
Democrats do not cater towards blacks they cater towards the poor and lower middle class. Alot of blacks are in those classes.
Whats even more funny is how quickly we forget that if it wasn't for the republican party we would still be slaves. Do your history!!!
John McCain stands for our belifs he is more like Jesus christ than the muslim demo-rat Osama
Most negros have been spoonfed that they have to vote for obama. And they all follow inline like lambs to the slaughter. McCain needs to adress the problems that black people face... So many of them are drug addics, illetirate, un-employed and on welfare and robbing people and having too many babies. We need to solve their problems to make our streets safer and not have so many prisioners.
Just because "Osama" is a negro dosnt mean he can fix their problems. Yeah, and what have the f*cking demoncrats done for the country lately besides give more free gub'mint cheese to the negroes?
John McCain is the only cannidate that will fufill our presidents war on islam. What we need in these endtimes is a good strong coneretive anti-libaral, non-hippie who holds true to the word of our lord. I really hope WHEN McCain becomes president he lives up to the republican platform and ends abortion, criminalizes gay sex and marrage and stops de-regulashion. We need to invade andor nuke iran and all these terriorists before its too late. This is exacly what the bible pridected would happen if the world fell away from his word. Armogeddon is close at hand we must stop them as a global force and unite christians and live as the word would tell us. and wage war against the non-beilevers and democarats and libarals.
"The righteous shall rejoice when he sees the vengeance. He shall wash his feet in the blood of the wicked."
(gays & muslims)
(Psalms 58:10)
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